Blackjack Strategies

There is no need to trust luck when you play the game of blackjack and that is a fact. It is a game of skill and you need to know a variety of skills when you play the game. It is not a place for leisurely walks at the park. You need to be sure and you need to be dedicated once you have placed the bet. You aim for the win. Of course, like in all games, being cool and calm will help you in becoming strategic. If you break your cool, then you are playing to the advantage of the dealer who gets more while you bet.

The important aspect to know about this is that you have to minimize the house edge to 1% or even lower. For that to happen, you need to be strategic and make a plan.

Learn the game

Blackjack has a number of variations to choose from. There are practically variations to the rules. They can be different based on casinos where you play or the country or continent where you play. The idea however is making sure that you get 21 or be closest to 21. If you exceed that limit, you lose. Anything close to the number 21 (some games may be different), will win.

Card counting

It is common knowledge that if there are big cards on deck, you can still win. If most of the big cards have disappeared, you have to make a decision to continue or call it a day. That is why some will tell you that you should learn card counting to get more advantage. However, this is a complex strategy system and it takes weeks to months and even years to really have a good implementation of the system. Of course there is the thing that most casinos will ban you if they find out that you are using this method.

The chart is important

The chart for blackjack is critical so that you know when to do the particular moves of the game. Each variation will have a different chart. It would be best to understand the chart for your favorite variations. It would also be very critical to memorize the chart so that you can really make complex decisions on your own.

Ace-less game

If you are faced with a dilemma of not getting any aces, then you are at an advantage since you have more chances of winning. One particular aspect is the hard 17. The sum does not have any ace. If you are vying for a hard 17, there are some things to know. If your cards are lower than 8, it would be best to hit. If you have a 10, make a double bet if 2 or 9 appear on the bet of the dealer. Learn how the system works so that you will be able to enjoy the game.